Thursday, September 27, 2012


Starting a paying job on top of continuing to keep the household running and keeping up my own Poekoelan training has left me with not a lot of free time.  I don't envy single parents or two parents with full time jobs.  I guess that's why a lot of people eat out nearly every meal, no?

Anyway, I've found myself with some free time this Thursday morning and I decided to make a video out of some footage I took of Davan at Do Jump on Sunday.  However, when I uploaded pictures from the camera, I found a lot more than just that footage.

On the Wednesday I was flying home from Colorado, Davan tried out a diving class.  Anthony took her and got some footage.  I've thrown together a little video for our enjoyment and yours, as well.


  1. So is she going to continue on...or is she stopping diving. She looks really cool doing it.

    1. She was feeling mixed about it - worried that the class wasn't going to get any more challenging, but wanting to dive. When we realized the cost (membership, lessons and pool entrance) and factored in the iffy-ness, she opted not to do it. However, after making the video this week, she's decided she really does want to, so she'll be going on Wednesdays for at least 5 weeks and then we'll see.
