Saturday, August 05, 2006

Plowing On, More or Less

Anthony and I had a long talk about the adoption last night. The main decision made was that we will soldier on more or less at least until the requirement to take classes rears it's ugly head again, and maybe even then still.

A few things we talked about:

Perhaps being more picky so that maybe Barbara can concentrate more on advocating for us with one or two children. Although, it's hard to be too picky, as well, as I don't want to put all of our eggs in one basket so to speak. Plus, how will we rule out kids that right now we would consider? So, that's all sort of fuzzy, but we'll try to lean in that direction.

As Davan gets older (even a year or two), a lot more possibilities open up for us. There are a lot of very interesting 8 and 9 year olds available and they seem to wait for a long time. This is the exact age that we are not adopting due to Davan's age, but she'll get older and new 8 and 9 year olds will come along. Not to say that we'll definitely keep plugging at it that long, but it's a thought.

We do want another child just because we want another child, even if we're not "rescuing" a child from not having a family.

Expanding to other states probably wouldn't help matters. We're looking at the most desirable age for older child adoption. These kids are desirable in other states, as well. When out of state recruitment occurs, it's because their having trouble placing the kids in state. There are kids in our state that are being recruited for out of state and these are the kids that we've felt like we can't handle.

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