Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Aside: Current Life

I wanted to let you know that Day 4 will not be posted until at least Thursday and possibly not until Friday due to current life happenings.

Davan and I are going on another little trip. She and I are going with my parents to do a little hot springing for the next couple of days. We hope to visit two different hot springs - one on Wednesday and one on Thursday with a night of camping in between.

Tonight Davan has her first Zig Zag class. The Zig Zags are the teen performance troop with Do Jump. Davan tried out for the performance troops, thinking she was trying out for Tik Toks, which is the kids' troop. She was delighted to be told, after months of waiting, that she'd made it onto Zig Zags. She's been so, so excited about it, but today is feeling nervous...understandably, but I know she'll do great.

Anyway, after her Zig Zag practice, I have my own Do Jump class. Then we'll be driving over to my parent's house to spend the night before taking off in the morning for the hot springs trip. We'll be back on Thursday in time to get Davan to that Zig Zag practice (every Tues and Thurs from 5:30-7:00). So, I may not get a chance to post again until Friday, but I will try for Thursday.

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