Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Training Cats

In anticipation of getting a dog, we moved the cat food dish to a location the cats can get to, but not a dog. We opted for the top of the fridge. The food has been up there for three days now and three of our four cats have it all figured out. Two figured it out right away and the third caught on today. The fourth cat, whom we'd have said was one of the smarter ones, is not catching on. After dinner, we tried to get Pearl to get herself up there:

Anthony is enticing her with wet cat food. It got the other cats' attention, for sure:

Oscar is saying, "Just get out of the way and I'll get it."

Licorice also wanted in on the action:

When we gave up with Pearl for the moment, Licorice claimed the spot, enjoying the treat, with Cinnamon waiting for his turn:

Meanwhile, Davan was making good use of the doorway:

And Anthony moved on to puzzling:

Sadly, though, we may have to put our dog desires on hold. Anthony got the news at work today that one person from his group will be laid off on Friday and the others will all have reduced hours. We're 99% sure he won't be the one laid off, but the reduced pay for an unknown amount of time means that we need to be careful with money. Adding another mouth to feed might not be the best choice right now. On the other hand, it's something we all really want and are willing to give up some things for. In fact, Davan has said she'll pay the adoption fee herself (she's quite a saver). So, we'll see.


  1. Eric got a salary reduction in November or early December, can't remember exactly when due to surgery/ drug induced amnesia. 15%.

    A fair chunk of change for sure.

    Sending you good wishes.

  2. I'm hoping to have a clearer idea tomorrow, but there is a strong possibility that the cut will be by as much as 40%. Yikes. The duration of the reduction is also open ended.

    It won't be pretty, but we'll be okay. Still, it may not be wise to add another mouth to the fray. What sucks, though, is that if the dog were already here (as we'd planned at one point) it'd be a non issue. So...well, I'm looking at the budget today and tomorrow we'll all sit down together and make some choices.
