Sunday, December 20, 2009

Book Review: Dairy Queen by Cathrine Murdock

With all the Christmas solo activities to do, I had time to get through another audio book this week. This one was much shorter and much different from On Agate Hill, but I still really enjoyed it.

The narrator is Natalie Moore, who did a nice job of it. She has/used a bit of a Wisconsin accent which added to the story without overwhelming it.

D.J. is the teenage daughter of a dairy farmer who messed his hip up. She is one of four kids and the only girl. Her two older brothers are college age and not around the summer Dairy Queen takes place, which is part of the story. Her younger brother is around, but busy on his winning little league baseball team. There is a big emphasis on sports in the Schwenk family, particularly football, which is close to being life for them all. Being on a winning team is the only thing that gets a Schwenk excused from farm chores. Thus, D.J. is left to mostly take care of the farm on her own until Brain, the sort of bratty quarter back from the rival high school shows up on his coach's (a family friend) orders to help out.

Over the course of the story, D.J. figures some things out about herself, her family and her friends. It's an entertaining and, possibly for some, educational ride, about the importance of talking and pursuing one's dreams.

I really enjoyed Dairy Queen and I give it an 8.5. I was glad to discover it was the first of three about D.J. and I'll enjoy continuing her story.

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