Saturday, December 12, 2009

Crafty (Consider this Yesterday's Post)

Anthony had yesterday off, making it feel like a weekend. He is supposed to have every other Friday off, but it's been a couple of months since we've actually seen that come to fruition due to various projects coming up due. It was great to have him home yesterday, but it's only the lull before the next overtime storm. We don't expect that he'll be home next weekend. Bummer.

We spent the day mostly just hanging out, although I did get up and workout in the morning - a little strength work followed by a walk in which I did a loop around a hill by the house five times to get a little interval type work in - and then, when Anthony was feeling antsy in the afternoon, I went for a frozen toed bike ride with him. Davan opted not to join in either. Sigh.

What took up several hours (I didn't keep track, but maybe 3?) of my day was making this:

And the back:

It's for Ryan, an 18 month old nephew on Anthony's side. I'm not a very crafty person, but I had to come up with something for little Ryan. Davan had made a sunshine bag (several gifts to be opened over the course of several days which she ties together with a story) with two Playmobile knights and their gear we'd saved back when we sold the rest of the Playmobile stuff for his two older brothers. Ryan is too young for those little pieces, though, and I didn't want to go spending a lot of money (or, let's be serious here, any really) on his gift after recycling his brothers', either.

After several weeks of indecision, this idea came to me. It taxed my limited sewing skills, but I was pleased with how it turned out. Davan totally loves it, which makes me wish I'd made one for her rather than the rag rug, which has turned into a monster time consumer and is still quite small. Sigh.

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