Saturday, October 04, 2008

Stuff and More Stuff

We did end up getting a lot of things listed on Craig's List yesterday to sell. Hopefully some of them will go! There are a few things we may try to sell on Ebay if they don't go, but we want to get this stuff gone, so there will be a Goodwill trip at some point in the not too distant future for leftovers.

Davan didn't go to gymnastics last night. Yeah, she'd thrown up in the middle of the night, so that seemed like an okay choice. It can take a while to recover from a bought of the stomach flu. However, I still don't have a feel for if she really wants to do gymnastics. I'm still looking for a little enthusiasm - a little, "I can go to gymnastics, Mom!" like she used to say even when she wasn't doing so well. It may well come back, but it makes me nervous. We're committing to over $1000 in team fees for the year no matter if she sticks with it or not.

So, we had another talk yesterday. It was miserable. I really want her to step up and make the decision. She really doesn't know what she wants. She wants to do gymnastics. She likes mastering the new skills. She likes the physical fitness aspect of it. She likes her new coach. She's worried, though. She's worried about being late to practice (it's never happened aside from one scheduled late coming, although we've been close), she's worried about competing and messing up on easy stuff at meets, she's worried she'll cry at gymnastics and she thinks that 4 hours is pretty long for practice. Which it is, but this is from the energizer child who told me she'd live in the gym if she could.

I'm so sick of this discussion and of the stress of to do it or not. We're going to go ahead and have her sign up, but if she doesn't want to go, then I won't be the cop on that one. If she gets kicked off team because she has chosen to miss too much, then we'll be out the team fees and that will suck. In April, if she's made it through, she can choose to go for another year or choose a different sport or whatever. If she hasn't, then in April she won't have the option of gymnastics, but she can still choose another sport.

I won't be paying for 7 months in advance - if we did, we'd only pay for 6 months and the 7th would be free - because I don't know if she'll still be there for sure. It's an expensive gamble with the team fees, but there it is. She'll have her chance. She'll have a chance to recover from the poor experience of this summer. It'll probably take, too.

As an aside, my neck is still causing me problems. It was still hurting, but livable and I could do most things, but on Thursday it really started hurting again. It's enough that it's interfering with sleep and I'm using hot packs, topical rubs and some ibuprofen here and there. Sigh. I'll be really glad when it doesn't hurt anymore. I'm also back to the super easy and gentle yoga, which isn't getting me a lot of exercise. I need to get out and walk, but the rain is deterring me. I'll get over that. I usually walk in all sorts of weather, but it's our first real stretch of gray and wet days and I've been feeling like hibernating, which can be fun, too.

And now, I'm off to help with the apple muffins we're having for breakfast this morning. So far, I've been sitting here, typing away while Anthony is chopping away, which is fine, but...well, it's nice to work together in the kitchen, too.

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