Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Weekend in Review - Busy Weekdays

We had a nice, mostly chillin' out sort of weekend. We got a good deal of stuff listed on Craig's List and on E-Bay that we're looking to sell. It takes a remarkably long time to take care of stuff like that - taking pictures, uploading, typing out the listing...it doesn't seem like much, but it's a time drain.

Other than that, we did family rotational fun for most of the day Saturday, watched a movie, I got in a couple of walks, and we just hung out. It was nice.

This week has been busy so far. Davan and I have been on the go from morning until bedtime. Monday we got up, did chores, did a yoga video - Yoga Burn with Rodney Lee, which I liked, but Davan found a little boring, ate breakfast and then were out the door with a packed lunch to get to Davan's art class.

While she was arting, I went to a music store and picked up the next of the series of piano lesson books. Davan and I are both nearly ready for it. I also picked up a beginner violin book because we're both going to try out violin, as well, with a violin a friend loaned me in need of repairs. It's done as of this morning, but I haven't had time to pick it up yet.

After the run to the music store, I ate most of my lunch while waiting for Davan to finish. We hoped in the car, where she ate her lunch (or most of it) on the way to swimming. It was so much fun! We were so glad swimming has started up again. I'd missed it. I loved swimming and I loved seeing everyone after the summer break.

We took a breather after swimming, finishing lunch and socializing with friends at the pool, but soon were off again to the grocery store. We got home with just enough time to unload, put away, make dinner and take off for Do Jump. Davan ate dinner in the car on the way there. While she was Jumping, I walked the couple of blocks to Fred Meyer to pick up almond milk (leaving with the almond milk, plus a new can opener), then I had dinner myself. I walked until class was over and then we came home. Whew. We had about an hour to spend with Anthony before Davan went to bed.

Today was similar, but we got to stay at home for one appointment. We did chores, did a different yoga video Source Power, which we both found a little weird and quite challenging. Challenging is good, but the weirdness is probably too much for us. After eating a quick breakfast, our book group leader came over to work with Davan on reading out loud to preschoolers. Davan is volunteering twice a month to read to a class of preschoolers. I worked on dinner prep while they talked, then we all had a nice visit.

After our friend left, we threw together lunch and I ran to the local produce stand to pick up some fruit. Then I finished with dinner, packed it for Davan and I, left Anthony's in the fridge and we were off to the library for a homeschool adventures class for Davan. In fact, she's still doing it and I'm using the library's computer. I sat in for a bit and learned some interesting things about cut paper illustrators, but when they started on the craft, I bowed out.

In a few minutes, Davan will be done and we'll be off to her gymnastic class. I'll stay for a bit, go for a walk, join her for her break, then leave again for a while. This evening, it'll be more like 45 minutes of time with Anthony before bed. Busy days!

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