Saturday, February 23, 2008

Sore Neck, Kind of Grumpy

It happened Wednesday morning. Early enough in the morning to be considered still night. 4:20am to be precise. I woke up just enough to roll over and yawn when, mid yawn, my neck spasms and clenches right on up. I laid there thinking, "Will it pass?" The answer to that one, folks, is no, not so much. My neck is still sore. Wednesday, though was the worst and I know it'll pass, but I'm still not happy about it.

I've been really tired a lot lately. Maybe not so much lately. For quite a while, really. I don't know why I'm so tired. I seem to be tired even when I'm regularly getting enough sleep. Enough for me is about 9 hours.

So, last night, I hit the hay early. Sadly, I didn't even wake up when Anthony came to bed and then he was up before me, so we didn't get in any good weekend morning cuddling, which is sad. All together, I'm feeling a bit grumpy.

I did cuddle with Davan this morning, though, which was nice, but not the same.

Max is having his basketball pictures done this morning. We have a game later, after which he's spending the afternoon with my parents - Oma and Tad-ku to the kids.

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