Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Weekend Moves on Anyway

So, we, indeed, did not go to Max's basketball game Saturday morning. After breakfast on Saturday, though, Max said, "So, when is my game? If I get my chores done..."

Yeah. We'd been really clear that everything needed to be done before bedtime on Friday. Not to mention that by then the game was more than half over.

Max did finally get his stuff done and was able to move on with fun stuff. He called to invite a friend over for the afternoon, but his friend was busy. So, he played video games. And he got to join in on family movie night. And we all went to the park to test out our new Aerobee boomerang that I got for a couple bucks on clearance from Target.

Anthony is working on our shower, which means our bathroom is a mess and I'm brushing my teeth in the kitchen for a while.

I spent yesterday afternoon running errands while Davan had her first playdate with a friend from gymnastics.

This morning found us sleeping in and then going out to breakfast with my parents. The kids are switching things up this afternoon with Max having a playdate while Davan is just hanging out at home. She won't be playing video games, though. That's really not her thing.

Hopefully the basketball game happens next week.


I wrote all that on Sunday and then didn't post. Ah well. Now it's Monday and the weekend if over, having gone by too fast. I wasn't ready for Anthony to go back to work today. I wanted another day to wake up slowly, snuggling.

Not that today was a bad day. Mondays are busy, but good. I'm enjoying my swimming.

Davan's Girl Scout troop had their Valentine's Day party today. Davan made these great elephant Valentines pretty much all by herself. She even made them for the various adults who stay at the meetings.

However, she didn't make one for a girl who almost never comes to meetings. So, there was a snatch back from one of the moms (a friend) and a quick make over of the card. Luckily, she'd written in pencil.

Max chose to make these Valentines. Of course, at his age, that means that he and I made them together. We did it Sunday because his teacher asked for them all to be at school by the 12th. The only thing I can figure is that she wants to have a buffer for those who forget. Max took his in today, but apparently, he's the only one who's delivered so far. It'll be interesting to hear if everyone produces tomorrow.

Meanwhile, though, Max and I had an excellent day today as far as our interactions go. He even offered to help with dinner when he saw I was rushed to get it done. We laughed together at dinner, particularly, and I don't think we really had a negative interaction today. Who-hoo! Now to just not expect that all the time....


  1. The elephant valentines are so cute.
    I printed out the template on some card stock to take to work. I know the kids will love it.

  2. Great Valentines. Good to hear that you had such a good day all in all, and that the kids made their Valentines cards with out a crisis.
