We had a nice start to our weekend with a picnic dinner at the park yesterday evening. I packed us some BBQ sauce marinated fried tofu, biscuits, corn on the cob and pb chocolate bars (recipe from Vive Le Vegan). It was a yummy dinner, but I still couldn't convince Davan that tofu is a good thing.
Although, the other night, Davan did like the Vegan French Toast I made, which did involve tofu, just not blocks of it.
The weather was sunny and mild, as it is again today. Although, this morning was whiled away in a non outdoorsy activity. Davan had never watched Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, even though she's a die hard Harry Potter fan (who's listened to all the books innumerable times and is now working through reading them herself). She found the previews for Goblet of Fire too scary. However, she recently announced that she wanted to watch it after all. A friend lent us the DVD for the weekend and it was decided that we should watch it as far away from bed time as possible. So, it was a breakfast event for us.
She watched the whole thing, snuggled up with her dad for safety. I, meanwhile, couldn't get myself to watch it again, so I cleaned up the kitchen from breakfast, folded and put away laundry and did some yoga with my new Rodney Lee Yoga Card Deck.
It was my first work out from that deck, and it was okay. I've used two other decks which belong to friends of mine and I haven't decided which I like best.
This afternoon, we're off to volunteer sorting food for the post office food drive that happens today.
Maybe we can fit in a bike ride, as well.
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