Friday, December 19, 2008

In Which I Whine Again

Not only are we needing to cancel Davan's big birthday bash plans tomorrow, but there are a couple other things I need to whine about, as well.

1) I'm having my period. Yes, that's to be expected once a month or so, but this one came less than two weeks after my last! That just plain sucks. At least it bracketed our Florida trip - just before and just after. Sigh.

2) Davan's birthday present fell apart suddenly yesterday. We'd signed her up for a winter break aerial dance clinic at Do Jump. Yesterday afternoon a phone call came in. With all the unpleasant weather here, a radiator pipe burst at the Sunnyside location where the class was to be. They had to cancel. They offered to move her to the class the following week, but that conflicts with gymnastics, so we couldn't do it.

We've decided to give her grips instead, which was something we'd been thinking about before. Her coach is saying she should have some to start breaking them in because she'll be working on skills within the next couple months that will require them. So, that's okay, except that she won't actually have them to open as a present tomorrow. I'm thinking of creative ways to have her have a present to open. Ideas are percolating around. Something will rise to the surface.

I'd been thinking we'd tell her about the whole Do Jump class thing, but something my mom pointed out made me think that would only make me feel better, while making her sad at not getting to do it. So, we're just going to tell her we didn't order them because we wanted her to be a part of it. And that will give us another thing to do tomorrow for the now-at-home-all-day-birthday bash.

Alrighty, then, it's off to finish up my warming tea and apple cinnamon oatmeal and get bundled up for the winter wonderland walk.

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