Sunday, December 28, 2008

Shopping Sucks

I spent 2 hours at Old Navy and Target this afternoon. I had a few things on my Christmas list still - Anthony's present, Davan's Christmas Eve new pjs, an active family gift, a shirt for a young cousin that we see on Christmas Eve, and Christmas stuff for the cats - in addition to just a few things we needed like conditioner and toothpaste. I came home totally whipped and rather grumpy.

I spent far too much time wandering around each store. The only thing I needed at Old Navy was the shirt. At one point, I had four things I was carrying around, thinking about buying. I did manage to leave with only two things, but that was one too many. Double what I'd gone in for, in fact. Yes, the second item was an extraordinarily good deal, but it wasn't on my list. The shirt I'd gone in for? I got, but I'm not overly thrilled with it. Sigh. I hope the young cousin likes it alright.

Then I went to Target. A list that should have taken maybe a half an hour took me well over an hour. I picked up so many thing and dithered over them. Things that weren't on my list. I did leave with the conditioner, a present for Anthony, super glue that Anthony called to ask me to pick up, toys and special wet food for the cats for their Christmas presents, the pjs (the very last pair of footies, which she still loves to wear in winter, in her size) and the family gift. In addition, I had four packs of Christmas chocolates that were on sale to give as gifts to the families we see on Christmas Eve and a pack of undies for Anthony. Those were the only extras I left with, so that wasn't too bad, considering how many other things I dithered about.

However, I also left in near tears over the stress of it all. So many people. So loud. So much money spent. Did I get the right things? Will people be happy? There is always returning, but that's not as fun as getting a gift you really want wrapped and under the tree.

All-in-all, shopping, particularly at Christmas, is difficult and I'm glad it's done for another year. Next year, we're seriously talking about not buying for cousins anymore. I'd be good with that. Although, sometimes stuff like that makes me feel like a complete cheapskate. Why can't it just be easy?

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