Friday, April 04, 2008

A Full Friday

Davan and I had a very full Friday. It was great fun, but tiring. We went skiing this morning, but the conditions sucked (I still really enjoyed the skiing), so we came home early. Anthony had the day off and went with us, otherwise, given the weather report, we probably wouldn't have gone up.

Because we came home early, we got to go to the open swim for the homeschool swim lessons. Because I'm signed up for those lessons now, I got to participate in the relays for the upper levels that happen before open swim for all levels. Whew did I wear myself out! It was lots of fun. Whole families are invited to participate in the open swim part. I invited Anthony to get Max out of school early and come on over to swim, but he declined.

I got to dive a lot at open swim, which is an activity I really enjoy. A young friend asked me for some diving help, so I worked with her for a bit. After watching that, the main swim coach for our classes asked if I'd teach a spring board diving class on the side for the homeschoolers. Other than today, I've never taught anyone diving, but I'm willing to give it a go. It might be fun.

After swimming, we came home for about 10 minutes to change (having gone straight to swimming from skiing as I'd taken the swim bag along in the car just in case), say hi to Max and grab a snack before we were off to Davan's special Friday night gymnastics class. Davan spent another hour and a half being active. It was pretty amazing. My arms and legs are worn out without that additional activity.

We came home to a partially done dinner. Anthony was going to have it ready for us, but he didn't get it started in time. It wasn't too long after we got home, though, that it was ready.

Max was in need of a hair cut, which was scheduled for post dinner. Unfortunately, he cried when I told him to go get ready for his hair cut, so he had a shave instead of the Mohawk that he wanted. Next week he can get the Mohawk if he's cheerful and cooperative.

Sadly, I think that part of the reason I enjoyed my day so much was that I didn't spend much of it with Max. While Davan and I were at her gymnastics class, Anthony had a blow up with Max. Just because I wasn't here, I got to miss that. Whew. It made my day better, that's for sure.

Now it's time for a quick game before Davan goes to bed. Then some House. Yes, indeed.

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