Monday, August 25, 2008

Too Much Time Sitting in Front of the Computer

Yesterday I had the lovely treat of having the house to myself for many hours. Anthony and Davan did the Portland Century bike ride. Well, they did the half century, but it's still called the Portland Century. They left the house around 7am and returned at 3pm.

What did I do with my time? I slept in some. The whole sleeping less thing? Yeah, that's done. I feel better with more sleep. I am trying to keep it to a dull roar, though, most of the time.

I got up and rode my bike to the grocery store to pick up food for both this week's camping trip and next weekend's camping trip. I came home, unpacked, grabbed a bowl of Ezekiel cereal with a cut up nectarine, some blueberries and almond milk. Okay, so there was a lot more fruit than cereal. Still. Then I sat my but down in front of the computer and didn't surface for three hours.

I do have to say that I didn't sit the whole time. I did watch some youtube stuff, including this documentary about young Chinese gymnasts, which was quite interesting. While I watched youtube, I stretched and did mild yoga. Still, though, three hours of sitting in front of the computer! What a stretch of time. I didn't even blog. At least that would have felt like doing something, what with the writing and all.

I definitely have some addictive traits. Sugar. Internet. I have a hard time walking by the computer without checking for email or new blog entries. And then, once I sit down? It's all over.

I did finally drag myself up, went for a walk and then did a little yard work before Anthony and Davan came home. Here I am, all inspired by the Olympics, trying to figure out what sport I could get into as a 37 year old and still have a chance of going, but when I have spare time, what do I do? Sit in front of the computer.

Now, Davan wasn't around for those three hours, but when I want to be on the computer and she interrupts me? I'm a bit irritable. Yikes. That's not a good thing, folks.

Because of all this introspection in regards to the computer, I'm going to stay off of it for a while. We're going camping Tuesday through Friday and then again Saturday through Monday anyway, so there wouldn't be much time. I'll be back after the second camping trip. And then will be setting some limits for myself. Meanwhile, after this post, I'm shutting her down. Well, actually, after Davan has a chance to reply to her friend's email...

Davan and I go camping together this week for three nights. I think it's a good thing. We're in need of non-electronic time together. And the problem is mine, not hers. The Olympics haven't been good for non-electronic time together, either, and I'm kind of glad their over. I may have to make some decisions about watching them in future years.

While I was vegging out, Davan and Anthony's ride went pretty well. They mostly had a nice time, with a few complaints about lines for portapotties and such. Davan didn't care for most of the offered food, sadly, 'cause that's a good part of what the entry fee paid for. Anthony said there were a couple of times that he asked her if she was doing her part there on the back of the tandem, which she found quite offensive. He did say that she peddled a lot and he sometimes had to tell her to take it easy, but by the end, on a couple of hills, he could tell she wasn't contributing. I'm thinking that's not so back for a 50 mile ride for a 10 year old.

When they got home, Davan settled quickly into play. Her favorite things to play with these days are the "bouncies" which are small rubber animals she's collected from the orthodontist. She's been giving them rides on the train track she built, building homes for them, taking them swimming in the sink. They will be coming camping with us.

Davan took the pictures of the bouncies on the train herself. There were a bunch, but one is plenty to share, I'm thinking. That's our man, Tux, getting a ride.

I'm very glad she's still a kid in that respect. It seems like a lot of preteen girls are trying to be old and don't play anymore. I've seen it happen even with younger girls. I think it's great that she's keeping her imagination and willingness to play. Let's hear it for childhood!

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