Friday, July 11, 2008

The Plan Take 7498 (or so)

I talked to Barbara and expressed my concerns about the whole respite deal. She had new news which did effect how I felt about respite.

Max's case worker has found a foster family for him. She found one that would be ready in about a week and another, that is, apparently, going to happen, early next week. So, the respite (and our being still the responsible party) would be quite limited. We were willing to do this.

So, we called up the respite family who told us it would be $50 a day, starting with today when he'd be dropped off around 7:00pm. Yeah. That's a little out of our budget, which is already strained due to camp and such.

We called Barbara back and said, "We're happy to do this if you come up with the funds." She did not think that was feasible. Whatever.

This was sort of crushing because I thought we were going to be all done today. And now we won't be. However, it does look like Max will move on early next week.

And why? Because his case worker picked up the ball and ran with it while Barbara was still standing around, not making things happen.

So, Max will be here with Anthony over the weekend, playing lots of video games. Then, either Monday or Tuesday morning, I'm still taking him to be evaluated. Then he leaves. Directly from here to foster care. Or, at least, that's the plan of the moment.

How will that look? I have no idea. Barbara seems to think it'll by her, Max's case worker and us telling Max here at our house, after which Max's case worker will take Max back to Lane County and settle him in with his new foster family.

I'm will we pack him up without his knowing? How will his case worker get his stuff down there? He has a bike, for one. It's not going to fit into a car with him and the rest of his stuff.

There are lots of unanswered questions at this point, including exactly what early next week means.

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