Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Yup, Indeed

Barbara thought that Max was with Stephanie's family. This is how kids get lost in the system, perhaps...

She'd totally spaced out that we'd decided (together) that he wasn't going there because, two reasons, 1 - they can't have him there over this weekend or next, so he'd have to move about for those weekends, 2 - if he stays here, that minimizes the moves.

So, finding him a foster family is now back at the top of her to-do list. And she wants to see Max this afternoon because she never did see him last month due to things like not trying to schedule it until the last minute and running into his birthday and then the day he tried to run away for the second time.

Well. Our part in this drama will be drawing to a close. I hope soon. It'd actually be great for him to be settled over the weekend. Although, it'll need to happen before Davan and I leave or that would be really weird, I think. So, maybe early next week if the ball isn't rolling soon here.

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