Wednesday, November 26, 2008

In California

We decided to come to California early to be with my family. We left Monday morning, after deciding to come Sunday night at 9:00. I even slept pretty close to a full night for me. I did have a busy few hours, pulling it all together, though, followed by 12 hours of driving with few breaks because we didn't want to get in too late nor stop and have to either pay for a hotel or set up the tent and take it down again.

It's good we came. Grandpa is still alive as of right now, but the end is near. I'm sitting with him now, listening to the long pauses in breathing that are becoming more and more frequent. It's sad to see my grandpa like this. He did not want to linger. He always wanted the end to be quick. Who doesn't, really?

It's nice to have so much of the family here. Someone is with Grandpa all the time, often several of us. We talk and play games here in his room. I think hearing us is good.

I've run both mornings that we've been here, which is good. I need to keep up the movement with all the sitting I'm doing most of the time.

We're so lucky to have two nurses in the family. Actually, both work in other fields now, but they have the training and are good with taking care of Grandpa. We turn him often to try to prevent bed sores. We talk to him and hold his hands. And we hope that he doesn't have to continue on in this state that he wouldn't like for too long.

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