Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Jury Duty and a Blury Wednesday

I opened a new post yesterday. I meant to write. I just never got to it. We weren't incredibly busy, but the day still went by quickly.

As I mentioned in a comment on another post, I did rescue Max early from soccer camp. It was cold and wet. I felt the need to warm up just after dropping him off. Of course, I was wet because I jumped out of the pool, thew on sweats and took him directly over to soccer camp, so I was cold in great deal to that, but still.

On the way, as we were riding in the car, looking at the rain, he said to me, "They might cancel..." in a semi-wistful way. I told him it was a rain or shine event. "Oh," says he.

After an hour and 15 minutes of camp, the skies opened up and rain dumped down, mixed with hail. Brewed a quick cup of tea, laced it with Agave nectar, threw a couple of towels in the car and went and to get him. He was very happy about that. Another kid said, "I want to go home early, too!" The counselor told that kid, "Well, if you can get a hold of your dad on the phone and he agrees to come and get you then you can."

It was hard, though, to do the nice things for him that I'd planned on - helping him into dry clothes, getting him settled in under blankets and putting a movie in. First, I found raisins and part of a banana oatmeal bar that he'd thrown on the floor of the car as I was helping him out. Why? It didn't taste as good as it usually does. So, yes, we should throw it on the floor of the car. Good plan. For a 6 month old.

Next, I discovered that it was nearly impossible to find clothes in the jumble that is his dresser. And most of his sweaters/jackets/sweatshirts are missing. Sigh. At school, I imagine. I guess we'll have to take a look at the lost and found on Monday.

Anyway, I did preserver and get him settled in for a move for a treat.

We got the official word on Davan's preliminary testing. She is far enough along to be invited to go for the third night for team preparation. Honestly, I think if it were the real test, she'd have made it even. There was very little she had problems with. She is very excited. She starts going three days a week next week.

Then for the jury duty part of the post. Anthony stayed home with the kids today while I had jury duty. In Multnomah County, we serve one day or one trial. If you get chosen for a trail, then you have to serve for however long the trail lasts. Otherwise, it's just one day.

I've gone and sat there two other days, both after Davan was born. Anthony went once and got chosen for a trail. The trail went for two weeks. It sounded interesting. I'd be interested in actually sitting on a jury sometime. Anthony, however, told me, "Don't get chosen! I can't miss that much work!"

I did get called up to a court room today, but was not chosen to sit the trail. I did tell them it would be a hardship for me if it lasted more than one day. That might have been why, but who really knows? It was interesting to even show up for the selection process, though.

Then I got to come home. Usually, I'd have gone back into the pool, but no more juries were being selected for the day, so we all (except the six chosen for that trial) got to go home.

Max was off at soccer camp and Davan had a friend over, so Anthony and I had some time together. We were lazy to the extreme and it was lovely. We seem to be addicted to House, M.D. We watched 3 episodes. About 4 hours of TV a week, including watching DVDs, is normal for me. I think I'll get in about 4 hours today. Addition. It's so time consuming.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:53 PM

    I love having a bit of grown up time! I'm glad you took advantage of it. I'm so bad at that. If there is a free moment, I fill it with something from my to-do list.

    My day was better - still has a way to go, but there was very little sobbing this afternoon. Small victories count, right?

    I love LOST. We watch it Friday nights. In bed. With wine. My favourite part of the week.

    My blog is

    It is mostly about me fixing my relationship with food. Not really a weight loss focus (as I have already lost the weight - mostly), but trying to get my head straight and be healthy for my kids.
