Friday, March 21, 2008

A Nice Friday - Wow!

We had a nice Friday. It was great. The skiing was so-so. It was really windy and Max had reached his cold limit after just under 2 hours. I get to ski pretty often and was cold myself, so I took him into the lodge while Davan and Anthony skied some more.

Before going into the lodge, Anthony mostly worked with Max on his skiing and he was cooperative and looking pretty good!

Max and I had some nice one on one in the lodge with him all giggly and us playing games. About the worst that happened then was that he was eyeing other people's lunches longingly and that is fairly understandable. We had some trail mix with us and the rest of our lunch was waiting in the car. He sat on my lap and we played games - word games and such.

The drive home went well and uneventfully. The kids had been asking to go to Target to spend their money and we had to pick up a few things for Easter, so after unloading and such (Davan and I took a shower - more nice one on one time with plenty of silliness), we headed over to Target.

I'm happy to say that I didn't buy a single piece of candy for Easter this year. The stuff I got yesterday was for eggs to take to my sister-in-law's house Easter afternoon and I'd been thinking I'd just break down and do candy for that, but no! I was strong. :) I got Spiderman tattoos, toy butterflies, balloons and poppers to load into the eggs.

Max got another Lego car like his first, after much deliberation and near purchase of some hot wheels cars.

Davan, after much deliberation between a few wooden building kits and a little sister of only hearts club girls, made it all the way to check out with a little sister before opting to save her money.

I was feeling like eating out - for the second night in a row. Bad me. So, we went over to Red Robin and had steak fries to our heart's delights (or detriment's, probably) in addition to our other food items, of course.

After returning home from dinner and Max's lotioning (due to the crying and wailing about putting on lotion, Anthony suggests that I leave out the sulfuric acid next time - kill joy), Anthony and the kids putzed around with Legos for a while and I messed on the computer and put a snack together for the kids.

Because, after that, it was off to open gym night at American Elite for the kids. They've been wanting to go for a long time, but it starts at 7:30, which is 15 minutes before Max's bedtime. We went ahead and let them have a late night, though.

Max was thrilled to be staying up late and wanted to close the place down at 10:00. Davan wanted to be picked up at 9:00 sharp so as to not have too late of a bed time. She's strangely attached to her bed time and hates to go to bed late. We compromised on 9:30.

During that time, Anthony and I picked up groceries for what we're taking for Easter dinner and stuffed plastic Easter eggs while watching an episode of House, M.D. before it was time to go pick the kids up again. We're such party animals.

After returning home and getting the kids off to bed, we did get in a little loving and then watched another House episode.

It was a lovely Friday. Nice.

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