Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Old Habits Die Hard

Well, Max had a good morning did fine this afternoon right up until her chose a challenging book for reading. Even with help, he was getting less and less into it and more surly. I suggested switching to an easier book. He opted to switch, but to another one he's been having trouble with and needed help reading. I let him know I didn't think that was a good choice, as my patience for helping was about exhausted. He got more and more pissy and less and less motivated to actually try until I finally sent him to his room for a bit to give us both a break.

After shooting hoops on his indoor basketball hoop for a few minutes, I invited him to try again. He started out cheerfully, but disintegrated fast. Somewhere in all this he yelled at me that the problem was that I wasn't helping him. Yeah.

We continued to have conflicts up until dinner time. I did my best not to engage. So, I should say that he continued to try to force conflicts up until dinner time.

My general feeling is that it'll take time for his behavior to come back from the dark, dank cellar it's been in, but who am I to say. Maybe we didn't get to the root of the problem after all.

I called our attorney today to check on the progress of the adoption, but got her voice mail and haven't heard back yet. I don't know if knowing more details will help him or not.

Meanwhile, almost everything I said to Davan this afternoon caused her to burst into tears. Perhaps we're PMSing again. Davan is just barely showing signs of puberty, but she is definitely cycling with me. It makes for a fun few days each month.

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